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Christmas Activities to Bring Cheer to Your Winter

The holiday season means something different to every person and every family. Some might love this time for the gift-giving and showing appreciation to your loved ones. Others might love it for the quality time you have with the ones you care about. But I personally love it for all the Christmas activities, experiences, and joy you can find in your community that brings a sense of jolliness and spirit.

Christmas Activities to Bring Cheer to Your Winter

This season, if you’re on the hunt for new holiday activities to bring cheer and excitement into the new year, we’ve got you covered.

Make Your Christmas Cards

Nothing shows Christmas cheer and thankfulness like getting creative and making heart-warming Christmas cards to send to all of your loved ones. What’s great about making your own Christmas cards is you can be as creative and experimental as you want. Make it an experience and get professional photos done so you can look back on them forever!

We recommend getting started with Minted, as they are a great source for making holiday cards! 

Decorate a Gingerbread House

Favorite Day Mini Village

This one is a classic that almost everyone has done at least once. Making a gingerbread house for your gingerbread men is always a wonderful time to laugh and share cheer with your loved ones. And if you’re the competitive type, make it into a friendly contest with friends or family and have someone else score each house and pick a winner!

Bake Christmas Cookies

Who doesn’t love a sugary delicious treat like fresh homemade cookies? For Christmas, decorate sugar cookies into little Santas or reindeer and share them with your friends and family. Try not to eat them all though so you can save a few for Santa on Christmas eve!

Go Snowboarding or Skiing

What’s the Christmas season without a little snow in your life? December is the perfect time to go find some fresh powder and hit the slopes. Whether you’re a beginner or a long-time snow veteran, everyone can find some joy in the winter mountains.

Never go on outdoor ventures unprepared, especially in the winter when anything could happen to keep you stranded! Before heading out on an adventure, make sure you plan accordingly and have all the first aid gear you need! You’ll be thankful you were prepared.

Have an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

Ugly Christmas sweater parties are a fun, festive, and silly way to bring family and friends together while getting creative with your dress ware. Raise the stakes and have a prize for the best-voted Christmas sweater to ensure that all of your party-goers go all out!

Go to a Christmas Tree Farm

Heading to Home Depot and Lowe’s is definitely easier for finding your Christmas tree and is a great spot to go if you’re short on time this year. But if you and your family have the time, there’s no better way to experience getting a Christmas tree than going to your local Christmas tree farm. Drinking hot cocoa, listening to holiday music, and looking around at Christmas trees can be some of the most fun you’ll experience during the season.

Binge Watch All Your Favorite Holiday Classics

Nothing is better in the wintertime than sitting by the fire with a warm blanket, hot cocoa, and a series of your favorite holiday movies. Invite over some friends, or spend some quality time with your significant other and make a whole day of it!

Take the Family Ice Skating

One of the most magical wintertime activities that people have been enjoying for decades is ice skating! And when you take your family ice skating during Christmas, it becomes even better and more memorable.

Enjoy the winter wonderland with these American Athletic Shoe Women’s Tricot-Lined Figure Skates from DICK’S Sporting Goods. Whether you’re gliding gracefully on the ice or engaging in festive Christmas activities, these skates add a touch of magic to your winter adventures

More Christmas Ideas

These Christmas activities will make even the biggest of Scrooge’s spread holiday cheer this season! So go get that Christmas tree, put on some Christmas music, throw on your Ugly Christmas Sweater, and start spreading the Christmas cheer!

Men With Kids has a plethora of content for the holiday season. If you’re looking for more Christmas content check out our Christmas Gift Ideas to get your gift-buying finished before the holiday rush! 

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